Unpopular opinion: do what works for you isn’t always the solution.
How to give the middle finger to the fitness industry
4 steps to build self trust
Strength training at home can be simple.
How to come out of the pandemic ahead of the game.
Make your burpees mean something
Time is not the reason why you’re struggling with your workouts right now.
Is your programming empowering you or disempowering you?
How to make progress even if you don’t have equipment at home.
Where to draw the line between do or don't
Two questions you need to ask yourself.
Why training with intention is more important than ever.
You’ve been training for this.
Are you making this mistake with gratitude?
Why am I so motivated to get after it in the gym but so unmotivated at home?
What you will not see from me during CONVID 19
How to get into the mood to workout at home
9 ways to keep moving forward in the CONVID 19 lock down
How marriage is like fitness and fitness like marriage.
Your fear of losing your fitness gains are valid